I am broadly interested in social communication analysis and machine learning in ubiquitous contexts. Check out my Google Scholar for latest set of publications. Here are selected representative publications.
Social Signal Processing
ConverSense: An Automated Approach to Assess Patient-Provider Interactions using Social Signals Manas Satish Bedmutha, Anuujin Tsedenbal, Kelly Tobar, Sarah Borsotto, Kimberly R Sladek, Deepansha Singh, Reggie Casanova-Perez, Emily Bascom, Brian Wood, Janice Sabin, Wanda Pratt, Andrea Hartzler, and Nadir Weibel. CHI 2024
Toward Automated Detection of Biased Social Signals from the Content of Clinical Conversations Feng Chen, Manas Satish Bedmutha, Ray-Yuan Chung, Janice Sabin, Wanda Pratt, Brian R. Wood, Nadir Weibel, Andrea L. Hartzler, and Trevor Cohen AMIA Annual Symposium 2024
Feedback Design and Visualization
Artificial intelligence-generated feedback on social signals in patient–provider communication: technical performance, feedback usability, and impact Manas Satish Bedmutha, Emily Bascom, Kimberly R Sladek, Kelly Tobar, Reggie Casanova-Perez, Alexandra Andreiu, Amrit Bhat, Sabrina Mangal, Brian R Wood, Janice Sabin, Wanda Pratt, Nadir Weibel, and Andrea L Hartzler JAMIA Open 2024
Towards Designing Visualizations to Understand Social Signals in Patient-Provider Communication Manas Satish Bedmutha, Emily Bascom, Reggie Casanova-Perez, Kelly Tobar, Janice Sabin, Wanda Pratt, Brian Wood, Andrea Hartzler, and Nadir Weibel Workshop on Interactive Systems in Health (WISH) at CHI 2023
Designing Communication Feedback Systems To Reduce Healthcare Providers’ Implicit Biases In Patient Encounters Emily Bascom, Reggie Casanova-Perez, Kelly Tobar, Manas Satish Bedmutha, Harshini Ramaswamy, Wanda Pratt, Janice Sabin, Brian Wood, Nadir Weibel, and Andrea Hartzler. CHI 2024
Privacy-Aware Respiratory Symptom Detection in-the-wild Manas Satish Bedmutha, Poorva Satish Bedmutha, Nadir Weibel Computing for Wellbeing (WellComp) at UbiComp/ISWC 2023 (Best Paper)
Towards Enhanced Human Activity Recognition through Natural Language Generation and Pose Estimation Nikhil Kashyap, Manas Satish Bedmutha, Prerit Chaudhary, Brian Wood, Wanda Pratt, Janice Sabin, Andrea Hartzler, and Nadir Weibel. Generative AI for Pervasive Computing (GenAI4PC) at UbiComp/ISWC 2023