I am Manas Bedmutha, a PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego working at the Human-centered eXtended Intelligence (HXI) lab led by Nadir Weibel.
My research lies at the intersection of human computer interaction and health. In my research, I use signal processing and machine learning on ubiquitous devices to interpret and interact with user behaviors. My current focus lies on human-AI interaction with the goal of making AI accessible and trustworthy through novel sensing and interaction ideas.
I’ve been a part of the UnBIASED project, aimed at discovering implicit bias in social behaviors between doctor patient interactions. Through this, I’ve built social signal processing (SSP) systems to track and visualize non-verbal cues in these conversations, among other ongoing work.
Parallelly, I also work on health sensing, in which I aim to build responsible AI solutions that can be run on ubiquitous devices. Over a summer at Dexcom, I built algorithms to track novel insights from glucose data. In addition, I designed privacy-preserving algorithms for tracking respiratory health and am currently expanding on making cardiac screening more accessible.
The seeds of interdisciplinary research and user focused design were founded in me during my undergraduate studies at IIT Gandhinagar. This was furthered as I built a startup, led early stage Data Science at Hotel Cloud and designed hardware products for Enphase Energy.
I maintain a list of my publications under the Research tab.
CV / Resume, Google Scholar, Email ID: mbedmutha@ucsd.edu
Dec 2024: | Our three stage study on sensing social signals and identifying implicit bias in doctor-patient conversations is now published at JAMIA Open |
May 2024: | ConverSense comes to CHI 2024. Also check our work on designing interfaces to communicate bias. |